Detoxification, healing crisis, or detox ...
As you begin eating a whole foods plant based diet, all those nutrients will start pushing out toxins that have been accumulating in your body for years. As the toxins are released into the bloodstream, you may experience physical symptoms that may cause some sort of discomfort.
Sixty percent of those on the HD and lifestyle do not experience major detoxification symptoms. For those who do notice any uncomfortable symptoms, this is perfectly normal! Rejoice that your body is releasing any bad stuff from your organs so that they can function better and make a transformation to a sensational slim you!
Some of the symptoms you may experience:
flu-like symptoms
coughing up crud
diarrhea or constipation
lack of energy
feeling under the weather
food sensitivities
mucous buildup in mouth or nose
bad breath
tongue swelling
emotional for no reason
-- Hallelujah Acres
My two cents: when I gave up caffeine in my coffee many moons ago, my body went thru a detox ... it was pretty amazing. My entire body ached with pins and needles for 2 weeks straight. It got so bad I had to take an asprin (which defeats the purpose) every day just to get thru the day. Then the pain just went away.